Friday 12 December 2014

Unit 19: Digital Graphics for Interactive Media Objectives

Ethical Designer Evaluation

My main influence was Barbara Kruger. I really liked the fact that she had a really basic picture in monochrome colours and then the bold red text over the top, I think it was really effective and i wanted to bring some of that into my design. 
I think the area that needs the most improvement in my advert is the timing. The transitions between the frames are quite slow and the word 'worldwide' seems to be quite jumpy when it comes in. If I were to do this project again I would spend a lot more time perfecting the timings and how smooth the animation is, for example I would make the words in the first couple of frames come in and flow a lot smoother, so that the finished gif would have a more polished look. 

I am very happy with my final outcome, and am happy with the way it has all come together. My initial idea was to have a picture of the world and to have facts and statistics written in bandages, however I do prefer my final animation. I still kept my original idea of having the world in the background, and still kept my inspiration from Barbara Kruger, however I decided to have a bandage over Africa instead, which is one of the countries that Arms Around the Child help the most, and had a plain font that looks as though it has been written using a type writer. I went with this because I wanted to keep it simple, but still effective, and I feel that my final outcome is simple yet effective. 
To make sure that my piece represented the ethical theme, I wanted the base of my animation to be a picture of the world. The reason I wanted this is because Arms Around the Child is a worldwide charity, and i wanted to make sure that this was obvious to anyone who was hearing about the charity for the first time by watching the animation. I also wanted to make sure that Africa had some focus during the piece, which was why I chose to place the plaster/bandage onto Africa. I chose to place it here because although Arms Around the Child helps children all around the world, the majority of their efforts take place in Africa. 

In the future, I will approach projects with a more developed idea of what I want my final piece to look like. The reason for this is because, after looking back at the Arms Around the Child project, I had an idea that I knew I wanted to use, but I hadn't developed it enough to know exactly what I was going to be doing. I think it could have saved a lot of time if I had planned more of what I was going to do, rather than develop it as I go along. 

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