Friday 16 January 2015

Researching Graphic Designers: Frank Miller

'As a cartoonist, I'm a caricaturist. First you find out what somebody looks like, then you find out what they really look like'


Frank Miller is a 58 year old American writer, artist and director. Born on 27th January in Olney, Maryland, Miller is one of seven children. Frank Miller is best known for his comic book stories and graphic novels, with some of his most popular work including; The Dark Knight Returns, 300 and Sin City


Miller's 'Sin City' artwork is one of my favourite pieces that he has done. Almost all of the comic is in black and white but seems to have a reverse effect where the backgrounds are black and the drawings are in white. I really like this monochrome style because I think it not only suits the typical comic book style, but is also very recognisable as a piece of Frank Miller's work. I also think that this helps to convey the mood of the story itself, which is quite dark and dramatic. For the most part, Miller's art is of a very basic colour palette, however in some places he does use one very bold colour, for example the Sin City tile is always written in red and I think this just as effective as having everything in black and white. I think the one splash of colour helps to make the story more dramatic. The boldness of the red also helps to make the artwork more identifiable, as one of the most recognisable things about the Sin City comic is the black, white and red colour scheme. 

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