Friday 17 October 2014

Intial Ideas

We had to design 4 initial posters that were inspired by our chosen artist. I have only designed three, and I really liked two of mine but I'm definitely not going to use my third one.
The artist I chose to use was Barbara Kruger, who's art mostly consists of a black and white image, with a phrase or word over the top, usually in red and in a bold font like 'Helvetica'.

These were my three initial designs. The two I liked are the two that have been painted. I wanted to still do it in the style of Barbara Kruger, and keep the image mostly black and white, with just the red writing over the top. Out of the two, the one I like the most is the one that has the world in black and white, with the red writing over the top. 

I think I like this one the most because it is the most basic out of the tree, but it is still effective and gets the point that I was trying to make across. I am planning to go on and develop this one. 

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