Monday 6 October 2014

Arms Around the Child

'Arms Around the Child' is a charity  dedicated to helping vulnerable and used children around the world, in their own words they are trying to 'stop the war against children'. Founded in January 2012 by Leigh Blake, the majority of their work takes place in third world countries, like parts of Africa and the Middle East, however they do try to help children all around the world. 
Leigh Blake was inspired to start the charity after meeting Jackie Branfield, who runs the 'Bobbi Bear' organisation in South Africa, and who dedicates her life to rescuing children who have been victims of child sexual abuse, and also after meeting Mum Carol who fosters and supports over 1200 children who are living in parentless households. She provides food parcels, blankets, school uniforms, toiletries and anything else the children may need to survive. 

The charity has both a twitter and a Facebook page, where they post links and updates about up and coming events and fundraisers. On their twitter page, they mostly link their followers to auctions that are giving people the chance to bid on things like singing lessons with Florence & the Machine. By having these social media pages they are connecting with a much wider, much more diverse audience, meaning that they stand more of a chance of getting more donations and people coming to events, and are really just getting their name out there and raising more awareness. They have over 1000 followers on Twitter and almost 2000 likes on Facebook.  - This is a link to the organisations website. There is a lot more information on their website, including maps that show you where in the world that there are branches that are helping children. They also show worldwide statistics, stating the numbers and percentages of children that are suffering or living in poverty and the numbers are very shocking. 

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