Monday 4 May 2015

Graphic Narrative Evaluation

I really enjoyed doing this assignment. I liked the fact that it lasted over quite a few months so we could spend a lot of time planning and developing our ideas before we actually began. The first thing we did was decide which song we wanted to use and then create a brief storyboard of ideas. I think that this helped with the assignment because it meant that I could draft out any ideas that I had and see whether or not they would work together in a sequence. 

All of the artwork I did for this assignment was hand drawn initially but after scanning in into a computer I used Adobe Illustrator to edit and adjust it. The artist that I researched before the assignment was frank Miller, the artist behind the Sin City comics, which inspired my artwork. I think if I were to make any adjustment next time I would try to use a lot more techniques before editing my work on a computer, for example painting rather than drawing and looking at different textures. I would want to change this because I think that the drawing makes the work look slightly amateur and looks quite unfinished, so I think next time I would create the bases by hand and use Illustrator to create the images as opposed to just editing them. 

Although some of the lines I chose to use are not consecutive in the song, I think that my narrative works and represents the lyrics well.

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